Diploma Programme

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What Is Diploma Program ?

A diploma program is offered by educational institutions and colleges and focus on specific skills for career-readiness. Diploma programs are short courses of study, often leading to credentials at vocational, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Minimum qualification for admittance into a diploma program is typically a high school diploma, and the depth of knowledge gained in the program is characteristically lower than that of someone earning their degree but more detailed than certificate programs. Diploma programs typically take 1‑2 years to complete, and you earn a certificate after completing one particular course of study and upon passing the course’s final exam. Diploma programs usually take less time and money than earning a degree.

Available Courses

  1. Diploma in Art and Design
  2. Diploma in Business, Finance and Management
  3. Diploma in Chemical Engineering
  4. Diploma in Computing
  5. Diploma in Economics
  6. Diploma in Engineering
  7. Diploma in Health Sciences 
  8. Diploma in Marketing
  9. Diploma in International Relations and Politics
  10. Diploma in Law
  11. Diploma in Media
  12. Diploma in Social Sciences
  13. Diploma in Science and Pharmacy 
  14. Diploma Course in Leadership & Business Management